Employer Services
We are here to help employers in our community hire people who are the best fit for their organization.
Each Career Connections Nova Scotia Works office has an Employer Engagement Specialist on staff to meet the needs of employers.
Participating Employers receive:
Free job advertising on our internal job board, Facebook page and website
Help developing competency based job descriptions
Recruitment and referral of potential candidates
Help matching clients’ skills with employer needs
Employee transition support during closure or layoffs
Employment maintenance support and retention
Information on wage subsidy programs
Participation in annual job fair
Employer Engagement Specialists provide employers with free one-on-one help
Employer Engagement Specialists are located in all regions of NS and available to help businesses at no cost with posting jobs, applying for wage programs, and get advice related to recruitment. Reach out to our Career Connections Employer Engagement Specialists at anytime with questions or for assistance.

Employer Testimonials
Meet some of our past and present valued employer partners, whose collaboration and support help drive our mission forward and create a lasting impact.

Finding the right career is easier when you have the right information.
MentorAbility is a program that opens doors for job seekers experiencing disability.
Working with the MentorAbility team, you will be matched with an employer or mentor for a short mentoring experience. During this time, you will learn more about that employer’s workplace and different careers in their industry. You will be supported throughout the process by skilled employment professionals.
Our team will facilitate mutually beneficial mentorship opportunities with a person interested in learning more about your industry. Encouraging your employees to participate can increase workplace diversity, strengthen workplace culture, and boost employee engagement. There is no expectation of a job offer.
When you sign up to help facilitate mentoring experiences for your clients, you make a big impact in every client’s life. But you benefit too, since you’ll join an active and engaged community of practice, develop new employer engagement techniques and tools, and promote your work through the MentorAbIlity Canada network.